About Us
Sanskar Bharti Convent School has been established by a group of eminent educationists, socialists and professionals to impart global education to the children of farmers and other rural people.
Need of a school: India is a free country for more than 60 years and we have attained development in several fields but unfortunately our social development is very poor. Ours is the only society in the world which is divided in castes, creeds and religions so largely. Ours is a divided society, A divided and weak society can neither safeguard it's geographical boundaries nor it's cultural heritage. Hence our first aim should be to strengthen our society by abolishing caste and discrimination, by giving global education to our young ones, that's why our mission is "establishment of caste-less society, based on the principle of equality" and our way of doing this is "Social transformation-Through Education".
The basic idea to establish the school is to impart modern quality education based on India's ancient culture, human values and to develop every individual personality through a number of dynamic programmes and innovative projects. Our motto"Indian values-Global Education".
Our school recognizes that it is necessary to integrate the identified life skills, competencies & dispositions with the existing curriculum. As a result of which our school is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi which is continuously reforming education and making it child-centered. The curriculum for the primary section is such that makes them global minded inquirers, thinkers, communicators and risk takers so that they become knowledgeable, principled, caring, open minded, well balanced and reflective. As there is transition from childhood to adolescent in the middle section, the curriculum aims at students' intellectual and social development within the frame work of academic challenge and life skills. And for the seniors, the syllabus is professional /occupational based, under the able guidance of a counselor.